How To Spend Summer At Home


Are you at home for your summer vacation? Are you not like those teens spending their lives out partying, going to different music festivals, going on a road trip? Well, let me tell you that you’re not ALONE! Are you feeling bored and thinking of fun ways to reduce it? Well… I have few tips for you!

Summer is a perfect time to refresh. It’s the right time to spoil yourself which you weren’t able to do much during school days. It’s time to have your “me-time”. Listed below are some of the fun activities you can do while you are at home during summer season.


Fix your things dear! It’s time to clean all those mess. Start up by cleaning your things, throw away those things you don’t need anymore or maybe you should try to recycle and make new things out of those old things or donate the unused stuffs. It’s a fun idea right? Come on dreamer! Show your creativity, it’s about enjoying. If you are that “I want to keep everything” during your school days, (just like me) maybe it’s time to check them again for they may be some things you can use and not.

Next is to clean your room, have it decorated! Make it your dream room. Express yourself. Do something amazing so you can give yourself that relaxing feeling whenever you want to rest. Make everything organized. Fix your things, your closet, your bed. Just have fun!

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Showcasing time!!! Showcase your talent dear, you are unique. Show it off! If you have talent in music, you may try to compose songs, compose different rhythms in any way you can inspire everybody. If you have those writing skills? Go on a blog just like this, trust me it’s a fun time-killer on a boring kind of day. Develop those skills, you’ll benefit a lot from them. Are there some habits, skills or talents you had before? You may want to polish them.

If there’s something you always wanted to learn, but didn’t think you could? Today is the perfect time to try it out. Not a sporty person? Why don’t you try it now? Go out of the box, there are a lot of things to discover about ourselves. Don’t just let it be hidden.

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Try to play new games, try to excel at a complicated game. Socialize… There are a lot of social networking sites where you’re able to meet different people, share stories together, get to know each other. There are so many fun ways to do online. Look for a series. Search for new movies you can watch. You may also want to update your playlist to your current favorites and be a DIVA!!!



RELEASE THE INNER ARTIST. Are you having a hard time showing your creativity? Practice them now. You may try it while making scrapbooks, you won’t just develop your creativity skill but also you’ll see how beautiful your life is, you’ll be able to reminisce all those good memories you had. meet-artist-web

CRAFTS. Make one that you haven’t tried before. Go search for a craft book idea or simply search the internet. You may also use those to decorate your room or your house. You can also earn money from it. See? It has multiple benefits.


PHOTOGRAPHY. Photography is something everyone must try except for you may show your talent and creativity from here, it’s also a way to express yourself just like any professional photographer. Make your own story and let your viewers see it from your different pictures.



Summer makes you sweat… Go ahead and make yourself sweat by EXERCISING! It’s time to burn those calories and fats you had during the holidays. It’s flaunting time! Make yourself fit and healthy always and it will also make your skin glow because of the toxins released from your body. Tips to get your abs toned? Check out my post (



Summer won’t be complete without sleep overs!!! Go on and call your friends to come over, have those delicious cravings, watch your favorite movies, go crazy all night, pillow fight, do vines, do music videos, build memories, be productive, everything you love to do with your friends is a great thing to kill your time during summer days.



It’s time to make yourself look at your best. Try out some DIY scrubs, DIY facial beauties, DIY mask for yourself. Prep yourself dear, you don’t want to look like a mess going back to school. I’ll be posting about the DIY’s soon, watch out for it!

Wardrobe check! Do you have those old clothes? Unused stuffs? Revamp them, it’ll look better. Trust me! Again, another post will be posted soon about this. Look beautiful and gorgeous always, it’ll build your self-esteem and self-confidence. Be happy dreamer! You’re one of a kind.

Try to relax, do it once in a while. Have a nice bath, eat healthy foods, wear comfort clothes, lay in the couch or your bed with a great book or a movie. Reminisce things, try to think of those things that you did before, those mistakes you wanted to correct. Use your imagination and waste some time. Think like you’re in a magical world and that you can do everything you want, make your own story. Try yoga even at home, I promise it will make you feel better. Forget all those stress, just be happy, live your life and treasure everything.


At the beginning of summer or much better before summer, save money because you’ll need a lot of it for summer. But if you didn’t get the chance to save, you can still go out, there are a lot of places you can go without spending money, there a lot of free places you can enjoy. Try to go to a park, play basketball, volleyball, soccer, meet new people or anything you can do. Keep yourself busy but enjoying. Don’t spend your summer doing nothing. Summer is a perfect time to do those things you’ve always wanted. You can make your own bucket list or if you already have one, you can cross a thing out of it. MAKE SURE THAT EVERYDAY COUNTS! Spend your vacation wisely, it’s all about having fun. Enjoy the heat of the sun, God bless, hope you had ideas to spend your summer. Please let me know which one will you try. Have a nice day, dreamer!

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